TOTALITY OR BUST! Aug 2017 Whitehouse, TN

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Camping out in the New Moon dark skies of Makena, Maui we made a little fire facing south east and watched the parade of summer constellations rise up in the east, one after the other, from 9pm to 3am - A Highly recommended study of the night sky! S…

Camping out in the New Moon dark skies of Makena, Maui we made a little fire facing south east and watched the parade of summer constellations rise up in the east, one after the other, from 9pm to 3am - A Highly recommended study of the night sky! So fun to see the procession of the zodiac constellations and Planets as "they" move along the ecliptic. Spotted were: The Southern Crux, The Centaur - Alpha and Beta Centari, Scorpio with Antares, Sagittarius (The Teapot asterism is all I can identify in that one so far) Capricorn, Pegasus (The Great Square) Corona Borealis, Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars - And towards the North East we watched the Big Dipper (Ursa Major) and Bootes with Arcturus twirl around HOKUPA'A (The Stationary Star / Polaris/ The North Star). I LOVE staying up all night to study the incremental movements of the starts, plantets, and Milkyway! IF you have never done this IT'S A MUST. Go set up camp somewhere DARK on a new or waning moon with a CLEAR EAST HORIZON and just watch the night as we turn through it. You will be amazed! Here is a shot of the Milkyway from May 24, 2020 around 3AM when it was vertical above the ocean..


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MoonBow and Venus March 2020 “Julia’s Cabin” in Poli Poli Maui
